by Admin
Posted on 15-12-2022 01:39 AM
What is it, and why is it
welcome! we’re excited that you’re here!
if you already have a solid understanding of
and why it's important, you can skip to chapter 2 (though we'd still recommend skimming the best practices from google and bing at the end of this chapter; they're useful refreshers). For everyone else, this chapter will help build your foundational
knowledge and confidence as you move forward.
The meta description is the description that appears on the serp below the title tag. Google doesn’t always show the one you’ve provided in the serp; it likes to build its own based on the query, but it’s still important to optimize for seo . Google reads this description when crawling the page to understand what it’s about.
To do seo you really only need 3 things to get started: a website , your brain, and data. Hopefully, you already have the first two, so let's make sure you have the right data. Data is everywhere in seo, from visitor analytics to keyword research, and especially link building. Your most important data is going to come from your website itself. To this end, we recommend making sure you have the following data sources set up.
These days, the average google search is about a lot more than just finding facts and quick answers on the fly. People turn to search engines for all sorts of information — everything from billy joel song lyrics, to relationship advice, to directions to the nearest chinese takeout. In other words, the reasons behind search engine users’ collective queries are varied and complex. Google and the rest of the search engines are evolving exponentially to stay up-to-date with this reality. And the more this becomes apparent, the more important seo also becomes. Without seo, it ultimately won’t matter how well your website answers a searcher’s questions or how beneficial your products might be to a consumer looking to buy.
Ranking your website to be the #1 search result in your area involves a number of key components, and executing those strategies correctly each and every time. As small business owners, we understand that our websites need to be optimized and indexed correctly, but here are the three main factors to consider. Local seo – your website needs to be optimized for local searches. Local seo helps you to target customers searching within a specific geographic location. This is important because 33% of all clicks, go to the top 3 search results on the 1st page of google . So if you have optimized your website for local seo, you will automatically guarantee yourself a share of 33% of all online searches for keywords relating to your business.
Search engine optimization (seo) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. Seo targets unpaid traffic (known as "natural" or " organic " results) rather than direct traffic or paid traffic. Unpaid traffic may originate from different kinds of searches, including image search , video search , academic search , news search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. As an internet
, seo considers how search engines work, the computer-programmed algorithms that dictate search engine behavior, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines, and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience.
Whether you are an online entrepreneur, blogger or content creator, a developer, a (wordpress) seo expert or a business owner, yoast seo helps you keep your website in perfect shape by: tuning the engine of your website, so you can work on creating great content! giving you cornerstone content and internal linking features to help you optimize your site structure in a breeze. Translating your content to structured data where possible, to help search engines understand your website. Helping you manage your team: with our seo roles you can give colleagues access to specific sections of the yoast seo plugin. [premium] automatically creating redirects when urls change or when pages are deleted, and providing tools to manage or create redirects.
Seo’s network of more than 14,000+ alumni spans 46 u. S. States and 48 countries, and their career track record is historic. learn more.
在高度競爭的網路時代,每天都有新網站的誕生,要如何讓自己被使用者看見就是seo存在的重點,研究顯示有90%的網頁內容沒有任何流量,seo可以幫您脫離零流量困境,讓您成為排名在前5%的熱門網頁。 gremlin works seo公司 有了10年的經驗,也幫助客戶排名的關鍵字超過500,000個,現在,我們有關seo的秘密要告訴您。以下將會介紹何謂seo,以及為什麼我們要經營seo。.
Seo(search engine optimization),中文稱作搜尋引擎優化,指的是透過提供優質的網站內容及相關訊息,幫助提升網站的排名,進而讓網站獲得更多的曝光量。 那麼提升網站的排名有什麼好處?根據 hubspot 的統計指出,高達75%的人在搜索時,只會瀏覽搜尋引擎的首頁,因此,光是建立網站還不夠,還必須配合google的演算法不斷優化、持續為讀者提供問題的解答,讓google認為你的網站內容足夠優質,以提升你的網頁排名,不需額外花大把廣告費,就能獲得免費曝光。 有關更多google搜尋引擎的運作方式,可以參考google官方提供的影片: how google search works.
When you perform a local search (and even a local voice search), google produces a separate set of results at the top of the serps. The algorithm that powers these results is not only very different than typical seo, the code is managed by a completely separate team within google for local businesses, relying on customers in their own communities to thrive and grow, this distinguished set of ranks has been a boon—it means a shortcut to visibility for the audiences who matter most. Local seo is important for most businesses. As a supplement to this extensive overview of local search, we also created the following pdf guide, available here or as a download from the link below.
雖然google seo判斷的標準百百種,但總體來說,想增進網站排名效果,普遍離不開這兩個關鍵:網站內部優化(on site seo)與網站外部優化(off site seo)! 網站內部優化(on site seo):又稱站內seo,指的是利用 seo工具 針對「自家網站」進行的seo優化行為,根據類別又可分為「網站技術」與「內容資訊」這兩大塊! 網站外部優化(off site seo):即為站外seo,指的是在外部網站上進行「對seo有幫助的行銷行為」。 有個初步基本概念後,接下來讓我們先從內部優化開始講起。 ★網站內部優化(on site seo)重點:提升網站技術+增加內容資訊.
官方工具,其功用主要是觀察網站外情況,例如有什麼關鍵字正在帶進流量、關鍵字的平均排名,某程度上可以觀察 google 是否喜歡你的網站。而 google search console 內亦有不少工具令 google 更易理解你的網站內容,更多關於如何用 gsc 做 seo 的教學,可以參考.